Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

As you probably know, mom is a little crazy. She made us costumes for Halloween last year (capes) and again this year. She made a pear costume for Ferret and a ninja costume for me. Only problem, Ferret was too big for his, and I didn't let mom put that stuff on me! She did do it for long enough to get a picture, but after she got them, I ran away and squirmed out of that thing. It was a black jacket, with a white belt and a headband for my head. Apparently, that's what ninjas wear? I already have fur mom...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Famous Blue Balls!

You may have heard about my silly brother's obsession with his Blue Balls, it is a problem, far worse than my obsessive scooting habit. He is uber-defensive of them and won't let you have them anywhere but in his hiding spots. He grabs them by the string, scurries away to stash them under a fishtank or inside (not just under!) the couch. He really does NOT like it when they get moved. He hisses and fights if you try to stop him. Mom and dad laugh at him, I'm sure they are just sick in the head...they usually are!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bath Time!

So every few months mom and dad feel the need to give us a bath. At first we're excited to be somewhere other than the basement, but once the water starts running, so do we! Slinky sat and scratched at the door, trying to escape, and I (Ferret) pooped in the corner. I got washed first, and I was calmer than the last few times, mom tried to talk sweet to me but she was the freaking paparazzi with that camera, determined to capture the look of fear on my face. Dad washes me, and then mom plays "catch the weasel". I run around the room, rubbing myself on anything that is soft, including trying to get up Dad's pants. Mom had to tuck his pants into his socks so I wouldn't try to get it. She just laughs because a wet ferret doesn't do well on a hard floor. That's ok, I got her shirt and pants all wet too. She tries to dry me with a towel but I want to run and rub!

Slinky does much better with baths, she doesn't mind the warm water, but she does look like a rat when she's wet. When we're both "dry" they take us back downstairs and give us treats, if we don't run under the couch first. There's lots of soft stuff under there to help us dry. I curled up with dad on the couch and Slinky took her favorite spot under the quilt by mom. We just want to sleep and warm up! In the end, we are very fresh and soft now, which is only nice for the human folks. Thank goodness they don't try this more often!

Friday, October 10, 2008

We're Here to Help!

So, mom's been really busy at work since there's something going on, I think she said quarter end? And then there's that thing with the stock market...

Anyways, we would like to offer our assistance in this difficult time. As you may or may not know, we are stashers/thieves/hoarders/etc. Our collecting habits are far more accountable than the stock market. We surely exceed the FDIC coverage too. So, please give us your assets. We will stash them away and keep them safe, unless mom cleans our nest...but she's too busy and sleepy. Here is a showing of our work:

This is not a clear example of our abilities. You see, anything that we deem to be important or "nestable" we scoot under the couch, where we sleep on top of it. Some people put money under their mattresses, it's kind of the same idea. Some of our favorite things to stash are towels, tissue paper, beanie babies, squeaky toys, pop bottles, socks, receipts, mail, fleecy things, and a couple of times we've tried to pull mom and dad under by their pants, but they don't fit.

Our investment advice, "Grin and ferret!"