Friday, October 10, 2008

We're Here to Help!

So, mom's been really busy at work since there's something going on, I think she said quarter end? And then there's that thing with the stock market...

Anyways, we would like to offer our assistance in this difficult time. As you may or may not know, we are stashers/thieves/hoarders/etc. Our collecting habits are far more accountable than the stock market. We surely exceed the FDIC coverage too. So, please give us your assets. We will stash them away and keep them safe, unless mom cleans our nest...but she's too busy and sleepy. Here is a showing of our work:

This is not a clear example of our abilities. You see, anything that we deem to be important or "nestable" we scoot under the couch, where we sleep on top of it. Some people put money under their mattresses, it's kind of the same idea. Some of our favorite things to stash are towels, tissue paper, beanie babies, squeaky toys, pop bottles, socks, receipts, mail, fleecy things, and a couple of times we've tried to pull mom and dad under by their pants, but they don't fit.

Our investment advice, "Grin and ferret!"

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