Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What makes us crazy...

"Prairie Dog"

Ferret: There are a few things that just make us crazy, that we always go nutty for. I personally can't STAND it when things I want are out of reach. I hiss at it, and stand on my back legs trying to reach up as high as I can, but I think mom's just plain mean! I love rubber duckies and trolls, but she won't let me play with them because, apparently, I ruin them? Whatever. I so do not. Just because the beaks, tails, hands and ears are missing doesn't mean they're ruined! Come on...

So when she tries to take them, I hiss and whimper at her and try to hide them under the couch. If they won't let go of a toy I want to take, I hiss at them too. I also don't like it when they try to stop me from digging. Dad sprays me with the water bottle but I just look at him because I don't understand why I have to get wet! Most of the time, I'm just digging because I'm bored or want attention. Why don't they get that?

That's what I think of your discipline!

Slinky: I don't mind the water bottle. I don't get sprayed, I just ask for drinks! It's very convenient and less work than the usual water bottles. I don't hiss very often, just at Ferret if he's annoying me. I go crazy when there are loud clicking noises like the evil light timer! Dad brought it for his fish tanks, and then when he realized that it made me crazy, he tortured me for a while by spinning the dial around. I hate that noise! Grrr... Dad eventually put the timer under his big fish tank, and I pulled the pins out of the dial so if wouldn't make any more noise. It took him a month to realize that there was no time, his UV sterilizer ran all the time! Hehe. Serves him right for torturing me!

The evil light timer!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Our Story...(Told by Slinky)

(Slinky at 8 Weeks)

Well, I realize that some of you may not know the story of how we found our human counter parts. It all started when mom and dad bought the house. Dad bought a big fish tank for his pirhana, and after a while mom wanted something fuzzy to give all her attention to since dad was obsessed with his fish tank. She wanted a dog, because that's what people do when they get houses. Crazy we think; sure they're cute and protective, but come on...nothing compared to us!

They decided they both were gone too much to have a dog, and dad's mildly allergic to cats so the two "normal" pets were out of the questions. Mom wanted a chinchilla, but they run too much, so she thought maybe a Guinea Pig, dad said, "Those are lame! How about Ferrets?" Mom looked at him like he was nuts. She always loved ferrets at the pet store, but didn't think she would ever get to have one. They did lots of research about us, what we need, what we eat, and then they bought all the "supplies" - our condo, hammock, food, toys, leashes, grooming things, etc. Then they went to the store to pick out a ferret! Dad thought it would be better to get two, so they each picked one from the litter at the store. We don't know if we're actually brother and sister, but we were adopted by the same people, so we are siblings. We were only 8 weeks old! Our birthdays are in July, so we just turned 2!
Mom wanted to look at all the ferrets to check out their personalities, but I kept jumping up on her arm every time she put one back or went to take another, I kept grabbing onto it with my front paws. I chose her! I wasn't the cutest one then, but now I'm just adorable and have cashmere like fur. My coloring is very special - Champagne Mitt.
Ferret slept through all the excitement, and dad saw him curled up asleep around the pole in the middle of the cage and said, "He's good cool coloring, and seems pretty mellow." He's a black sable for his coloring. It was an easy choice for dad. Poor mom wanted to take them all home, but dad said only two! So then they brought us home, and we've taken over!

We still favor the parent that picked us, Ferret only cuddles with mom when dad's not home and waits for dad at the bottom of the stairs. I don't really like to cuddle with dad because he doesn't talk about how cute and sweet I am! Mom loves to give me kisses, it's kind of annoying sometimes...but we all make sacrifices right?

We have our own bedroom with our condo and toys, and the basement is where we're allowed to be with minimal supervision. We share that space with three fishtanks, which we don't find all that exciting, but they are fun to hide stuff underneath! From time to time we take "field trips" to the kitchen, bathroom, outside, pet store, or vet with mom and dad. Sometimes we get to run around the whole house. It's so much fun! If Ferret would stop wrecking the carpet maybe we'd get to do that more. I suppose I could stay out of the dishwasher and not go under the stove too...
Anyways, we love our house and mom and dad take great care of us! I've been up for too long, back to napping!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

History of the Ferret

First and foremost, we want to let you know that we are NOT RODENTS! We eat rodents! One main difference between rodents and us is that rodents have teeth that continuosly grow and need to chew on things to keep them short. Think of hamsters or beavers. When we chew on things it's because we like to crunch stuff, like eating a live animal, it's out instinct!

We have been domesticated for over 2,000 years, and we're not sure who domesticated us first, but it was likely Europeans or Egyptians. We are hunters (and stashers!) by nature. Without our humans, we would not survive, and we would definitely not be happy! If we don't get enough stimulation through play and affection, we get angry and don't behave. I guess that means we're really smart...too smart? >=]

For more information than you probably want, check out the Wikipedia article on us:

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Some of our highlights...

Yea, she puts shirts on us. Don't I look thrilled? It's like she doesn't realize we have fur?! We also got capes for Halloween and hats for St. Patrick's day.

This was the most fun we've had in a while, it was cold, but tasted pretty good and made for good digging!

Hey! This is my DVD case!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Meet Ferret Doodle

Hi! My name is Ferret Doodle. I only have a middle name because mom felt bad that Slinky had one and I didn't. Some might complain that I don't listen, but it's selective hearing! I'm so cute, who cares about my naughty deeds!

My nicknames:
-Fer-ret! (That's what I get when I neglect the litter box)
-Monsieur Doodle
-Few-wet (Apparently mom doesn't like to say R's)

My favorite activities:
-Digging (carpet)
-Dooking/War Dance
-Chewing on plastic bags
-Digging (dirt)
-Looking cute
-Cuddling with Dad
-Attacking the bean pillow
-Digging (water)
-Hiding my balls (especially the blue ones!)
-Tackling Slinky, then "hiding"
-Running through tubes (the ones I fit in)
-Did I mention DIGGING!!!!!

Meet Slinky Marie

Hello! My name is Slinky Marie. I have a middle name because I'm that bad! Other than my tendency to bite when I'm bored or frustrated I'm pretty well behaved (unlike that stink butt Ferret who I think is deaf! No respect for the 'rents).

Here's a list of my nicknames:
-Stinky Slinky
-Missy Slinky

Here are my favorite activities:
-Climbing (couch, pants, trees, screens)
-Scooting (mom's trying to teach me to do it on command, but I'm pretty neurotic about it and have trained her to give me treats with miminum effort!)
-Stealing dad's wallet from his pocket
-Stashing food
-Running into tubes and then attacking Ferret
-"Giving" kisses (I take them, don't tell mom)
-Doing cute stuff to my face that makes mom go, "ooooh!"
-Wrestling with Beanie Babies
-Taking away the annoying squeaky toys mom keeps bringing home
-Being a Ninja!

We Can't Take It!

Let's face it everyone, we're attention hogs, and no matter how much we try, mom and dad don't give us enough attention. Dooking, begging, flat-ferret, nothing. They just sit there. Like they expect us to get up and go see them? WhatEVER! So, we're making mom do this blog for us so everyone can see us. Look at the adorableness!