Monday, January 5, 2009

Visit to the Vet

On Saturday we made our annual trip to the vet for our check-ups and shots. Mom was a little nervous to go after I had a bad reaction to the Distemper shot. It's not unheard of for ferrets to have a reaction to that shot, which is why they make you wait around for 15 minutes afterwards in case something happens. Normally we just get sleepy from the meds, but last time about 30 minutes afterwards on the drive home I started crying then I was vomiting and had diarrhea in the carrier. I don't think Ferret was concerned, but mom FREAKED. She turned around immediately (in a blizzard no less) and rushed back to the vet's, hoping they were still there since we were the last appointments of the day. Luckily they were there. Mom rushed us inside where they took us into the back room. They brought out Ferret for mom to watch, and from what he said he ran around the office and got into all sorts of fun stuff. Meanwhile, I was in the back getting shot up with Benadryl and the like. They even had to put fluids in me so I didn't get dehydrated. All I remember was that I was really out of it and felt like crap. It seemed like forever, but they brought mom back to see me. I never would have admitted this before, but I was really happy to see her. I started to feel better once she picked me up, I even started to crawl up on her chest to snuggle. I guess I never appreciated her until that day. Now I know she loves me, so I like to show her I love her too, with KISSES!

Anyways, the Doc said we're very healthy and adorable. He said we have very pretty coloring and good personalities. We didn't bite anyone. Ferret spent most of the time hiding in the carrier or on mom's lap, he was tired I guess. This time they gave me benadryl before the shot, to prevent a reaction, and it worked. I did not enjoy the shots though, I got so mad I peed on the counter when he stuck me. I weighed in at 1.4 pounds and Ferret came in at a hefty 3.1. But as long as he's active they don't think it's a problem. We're just glad to not have to go back again, don't get me wrong, we LOVE field trips, but only to pet stores and other parts of the house.

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