Friday, August 29, 2008

My new obsession!


Well, mom helped her brother move away to college and of course had to buy things while she was there. She bought us a toy, it's a Gopher on a stick that when you wiggle it around supposedly sounds like a gopher, you're supposed to use it at the football games, but I'm determined to steal and destroy that thing! It's face will get chewed off when I get the chance. I hiss and whine because I can't get it away from them.

I'm so obsessed with it, I will try to climb on top of my sister so I can reach it. I want to kill it, gophers are rodents and I eat rodents! Mom doesn't like me destroying her school mascot, so she might try to find a Wolverine or Badger instead! Don't worry about me being too obsessed, I will stop my mission to destroy it for a treat or dinner.

What we did on our vacation with Mom and Dad!


We are not really used to being awake during the day, so we did a lot of sleeping. But mom and dad did a lot of exciting stuff around the house. They would leave us downstairs alone while they were doing work around the house, so to encourage them to not keep doing that, we would leave "presents" in the corner by the stairs.
I helped mom organize the office, mostly by pushing things off of the desk onto the floor. Mom got a basket to keep all the magazines in, and we of course had to help!

Dad cleaned the carpet under the couch, which means he had to empty out our nest. So instead of sleeping somewhere else, Ferret slept on top of the pile.

All in all, we were glad to spend extra time with mom and dad, but we are really glad to get back to sleeping in peace all day again!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mom's a Slacker!

So, apparently when mom takes a vacation from work and stays home with us, she's unable to update our blog. And then she wasn't home because something with Grandpa B? Whatever. We'll be posting again shortly once mom gets her act back together, but in the meantime here's some new pictures of us, including Slinky's new favorite place to sleep.

Can you see me? I'm the bump in the middle. I like to sleep right in the middle of mom's side of the couch under the quilt. Don't think that because I'm next to you, that's means you should pet me! Nope. I slide down the couch onto the floor, glare at you, then climb back under there and keep sleeping.

I love chilling on dad's lap! He's so nice. I like to lick him too because he tastes nummy!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Our tent!


So we went to the pet store (Chuck and Don's) on Thursday night to get our special food, and we don't always get to go with because, apparently, we're hard to handle?! Whatever. Just ignore the scratch marks on mom's arms. We don't mind having our harnesses on, but getting them on can be a challenge because I often forget that I get to go somewhere when it's on, and mom isn't trying to be mean or anything. If she'd stop putting shirts on us we might not fight it! We get to ride in our carrier in the car, which Ferret just scratches and scratches at the door, as if he's going to escape! Hasn't happened yet, but that doesn't stop him from trying! We got lots of attention from the two girls working at the store, they thought Ferret was soooo cute, but then they saw me and ooo-ed and aaa-ed over how tiny and cute I was with my pink nose. One girl even said I was the cutest ferret she'd ever seen! They had a cat there, she was in a cage, but Ferret made her start to shake! The big cat was afraid on a dumb weasel! The girls working said that she never has done that before at any other animals. I think she was threatened by the cuteness!

They had things on display, like toys, collars, kennels, beds, etc. I found a tent that I really liked, I kept crawling around in it, being all cute playing with my face (that's how I get their attention). So mom talked dad into letting us get one! We have lots of fun playing in it, trying to kick each other out, etc. We also do snuggle up in it. See our pictures:


(Slinky helping Ferret relax by chewing on his scruff. This really does help us relax, it releases chemicals that me us relax. See the "Scruffing" term in the last post.)

(Ferret napping - more like sucking up for the camera!!)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Some Lingo (and our comments!)

Alpha Ferret - The dominant ferret of the house, leader of the pack - Mommy!

Ankle/leg Biter - Wanting attention, a treat or to be picked up - We are proud to say that we don't do this, when we want attention, see Carpet Shark
Belly Button - Well not quite, let's just say you have a male ferret
Bottle Brush - Their tail puffs out from excitement, anger or fear..almost like static cling
Business - Group of multi ferrets Our parents are proud business owners! Mom's favorite saying is "I'd rather be dooking with my business!"
Butt Wipe - Ferret type of toilet paper. After going to the bathroom, they drag their rear on the floor - FYI, this is NOT because we need to wipe, this is to mark our teritory, or in Slinky's case to really convince you that she went!
Chomp - Checking out teeth strength..the acting of biting. Usual course is lick-lick-CHOMP Sometimes Slinky skips the "lick-lick"
Carpet Shark - laying very close to the floor stretched out, usually just observing. Can also crawl from this position. AKA flat ferret "Look at me! I'm so pathetic, alone, fluffed out, please pick me up!"
Dooking - Chuckling sounds made when excited, exploring, playing or war dancing. Resembles a rooster sound - Ferret is the master dooker of the house!
FFZ - Ferret Free Zone - Ferrets are illegal, Also known as NFFZ - Non-Ferret Friendly Zone - How can places not want our cuteness!
Ferret Math - The art of going from one ferret to two, to three to four to..... - We don't know if mom will do this, dad might draw the line, but if he gets more fish, we may get more fuzzies playmates!
Ferret Proofing - Keeping the house as safe as possible for ferrets. Restricting access to areas that can cause them harm - Good luck with that! Imagine the worst toddler ever, and then make them small enough to fit under a stove. Just think...See what we mean?!
Kit- Baby ferret
Nip & Run - Easier than the chomp action..Invitation to play - Usually followed by a
dook/war dance
Scruffing - Pinching by the nape of the neck, just like a mother would do, relaxing and calming the ferret. This will usually result in the ferret yawning away - Slinky gets this for biting, Ferret gets this for digging or chewing on the fish tank filter, and BTW, we yawn because we don't care!
Shiver - Seen when a ferret first wakes up. Way of regulating and increasing their body temperature which drops during sleep time - Slinky's awesome at this, mom treats her like she's dying...
Snorkeling -Immersing entire head in water, often blowing bubbles. Often they forget their scuba gear. - We like to do this in a bowl with ice cubes. We chase them around the bowl, and dive for more!
Stash - Hiding place ferrets store all their treasures usually out of human reach. Missing keys, remote controls, etc can usually be found there. Who needs kids?? - Mom just said "Amen" when she read that...
War Dance - An excited ferret bouncing and thrashing themselves around with stiff legs, arched back, open mouth, swinging head, often flinging into walls and furniture. Usually dooking and bottle brush tail go on at the same time. Ferret on speed. - Ferret rocks at this. He will do it to evade capture too, and then wiggle his way out of your grasp and hit his head on the floor...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy August!

We're so excited that it's August because that means it's one month closer to snow and Christmas presents! We love the wrapping paper, and grandma and the 'rents give us some fun toys to hide under the couch (along with the wrapping paper).

With the hot weather, we wanted to pass along a factoid about ferrets. We should not be in temperatures above 80 degrees because we are small and would succumb to heat stroke very quickly. We are not able to sweat like people or pant like a dog so we get hot very fast. When the air conditioning was broken two weeks ago, mom and dad kept us in the basement and gave us bowls of water with ice cubes to keep us cool. They sure were fun to chase around the dish, but they did not let us carry them away to stash them. Not sure why...

Have a great fuzzy-nap-filled weekend!

(Napping in Dad's lap)