Monday, August 11, 2008

Our tent!


So we went to the pet store (Chuck and Don's) on Thursday night to get our special food, and we don't always get to go with because, apparently, we're hard to handle?! Whatever. Just ignore the scratch marks on mom's arms. We don't mind having our harnesses on, but getting them on can be a challenge because I often forget that I get to go somewhere when it's on, and mom isn't trying to be mean or anything. If she'd stop putting shirts on us we might not fight it! We get to ride in our carrier in the car, which Ferret just scratches and scratches at the door, as if he's going to escape! Hasn't happened yet, but that doesn't stop him from trying! We got lots of attention from the two girls working at the store, they thought Ferret was soooo cute, but then they saw me and ooo-ed and aaa-ed over how tiny and cute I was with my pink nose. One girl even said I was the cutest ferret she'd ever seen! They had a cat there, she was in a cage, but Ferret made her start to shake! The big cat was afraid on a dumb weasel! The girls working said that she never has done that before at any other animals. I think she was threatened by the cuteness!

They had things on display, like toys, collars, kennels, beds, etc. I found a tent that I really liked, I kept crawling around in it, being all cute playing with my face (that's how I get their attention). So mom talked dad into letting us get one! We have lots of fun playing in it, trying to kick each other out, etc. We also do snuggle up in it. See our pictures:


(Slinky helping Ferret relax by chewing on his scruff. This really does help us relax, it releases chemicals that me us relax. See the "Scruffing" term in the last post.)

(Ferret napping - more like sucking up for the camera!!)

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