Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy August!

We're so excited that it's August because that means it's one month closer to snow and Christmas presents! We love the wrapping paper, and grandma and the 'rents give us some fun toys to hide under the couch (along with the wrapping paper).

With the hot weather, we wanted to pass along a factoid about ferrets. We should not be in temperatures above 80 degrees because we are small and would succumb to heat stroke very quickly. We are not able to sweat like people or pant like a dog so we get hot very fast. When the air conditioning was broken two weeks ago, mom and dad kept us in the basement and gave us bowls of water with ice cubes to keep us cool. They sure were fun to chase around the dish, but they did not let us carry them away to stash them. Not sure why...

Have a great fuzzy-nap-filled weekend!

(Napping in Dad's lap)

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